Dental Consent Form

Save time during your next appointment! Complete your required form online from any device at any time before your visit.

Dental Consent Form

We prioritize your pet’s well-being and safety during procedures. This consent form acknowledges your understanding of the dental procedure risks. It authorizes our expert veterinary team to administer anesthesia as required for your pet’s treatment.

Pet Information

Contact Information

* This person has your authority to consent to medical decisions regarding your pet's surgical care in the event we cannot reach you.

Pre-Anesthetic Blood Work Release

Your pet is scheduled for an anesthetic procedure. We recommend a comprehensive blood analysis to determine your pet's anesthetic risk criteria. In addition, these results may serve as a baseline for future comparison and evaluation. **If your pet is here through Blue Chip Farm Animal Rescue, these tests ARE NOT paid for by them.

Biopsy Release

If your pet is here for removal of a mass or lump, we recommend submission of the mass for analysis. The cost for this submission should be included in your procedure estimate. If it is not listed, please call the office or ask a staff member at drop off.

Anesthetic and Surgery Release

I understand and consent to recommended anesthetic procedures stated above. The nature of such services has been described to me to my satisfaction. I understand that the administration of anesthesia involves some risk to my pet, including rare reactions to medications and death. I authorize Creekside Animal Hospital to perform medical and diagnostic procedures on the animal identified in this record as required for diagnosis and treatment. I understand that all procedures and surgery also involve some risk to my pet. The most common risks include, but are not limited to the following: bleeding, nerve damage, and infection. I also understand that no guarantees or assurances have been made regarding the outcome of this procedure. The doctors and staff of Creekside Animal Hospital will use all reasonable precaution against injury, escape, complications, and death. I agree to not hold the doctor and staff responsible under any circumstances. I understand Creekside Animal Hospital is not a 24-hour facility and is not staffed by medical team after hours. If your pet requires continuous 24-hour care, we recommend transferring your pet to a local Emergency and Specialty facility. I understand that I assume financial responsibility for all services rendered, and that payment is due on the day of service.

Anesthetic and Surgery Release

This remainder of this form is intended to promote a clearer understanding of the process involved in the dental procedure your pet is undergoing today and to be sure that your wishes are documented regarding extractions. Please be aware of the following facts: A thorough evaluation of your pet's mouth, teeth, and gums cannot be accomplished without the aid of a general anesthetic. Therefore, some findings such as tumors, abscessed tooth roots, periodontal (gum) disease, cracked teeth, or Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions (a progressive, cavity-like disease in cats) are often found only once a pet is anesthetized, their teeth are probed, and dental x-rays performed (dental x-rays are an essential part of every dental cleaning). It is frequently necessary to change our treatment plan once the pet is anesthetized for this reason which may end up in additional charges not previously anticipated
  • Certain specialized procedures (i.e. crowns and root canals) are not provided at Creekside Animal Hospital, but are available through board-certified veterinary dentists. These procedures are usually comparable, or more expensive than the same procedures performed on humans due to the use of anesthesia in pets. We can refer you to a board-certified veterinary dental specialist for follow up care, if you so desire.
  • Certain disease processes are progressive and it is our intent to minimize pain. Therefore, we may elect to perform procedures that will avoid unnecessary pain in the future. (i.e. we may extract a tooth that is not yet loose, but has significant bone loss around it.)
  • The removal of some teeth may result in unavoidable consequences, such as jaw fractures, or an inability of the pet to keep its tongue in the mouth. If such complications occur, these will result in an additional cost to you.
    Please list individuals name and phone number in the order in which they should be contacted:
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